Dream Chronicles.

The past week I’ve been playing this series called ‘Dream Chronicles’ by First Play. It started out by me playing random games at pastelportal.com , & I lovedd them!

Well anyhow, I was randomly checking some more games at the review sites for pastel games & there was this advertisment about Dream Chronicles – The Chosen Child & I just liked the name alot ..

So anyhow I downloaded the demo version that the site had to offer. It only had frkkn 60 minutes on it so I decided to download the keygen/patch/crack – generally anything I could get my hands on.

Anyway I started out the the last game of the series unknowningly.

The story is veryyy good .. its about a girl Faye who suddenly wakes up at her house to find her Husband Figet & daughter gone. It turns out they were kidnapped by Lilith, fairy queen of Dreams as she wants Fidget for herself. I wont reveal the rest since it ruins the plot so here are some screen shots.

This is the first scene you'll see once the game starts.

This is the first scene you'll see once the game starts.

Its much more beautiful once you actually play it – a still picture doesn’t look all that enchanting.

Also, one other place that I love is this Herbalist’s kitchen ;

The kitchen I lovee!

The kitchen I lovee!

The last game is as such that even if you haven’t played the first & second game, you won’t feel like you’ve been missing out on stuff. Also, since you’re already rescued Fidget in the second game, the only person left is your daughter Lyra who you have to save – hence ‘Chosen Child’.

I have some screen shots of Dream Chronicles one too;

The main page.

The main page.

The first game’s graphics aren’t THAT good, but its a good play none the less.

This is just outside Faye

This is just outside Faye's house.

In the first game, Faye learns for the first time that her husband & his family are actually faires who had came to live quietly in the mortal realm. Also, this is Liliths first attempt to kidnap her family.

Then I played the 2nd game called ‘Dream Chronicles – The Eternal Maze’ ;

I just finished this game yesterday, & the last maze most definetly has to be solved by a walkthrough.

Main title.

Main title.

In the beggining of any game, you need to find a book or a journal to ger started. It keeps track of all your levels & gives you a summary of what all has happened. Also, it gives a brief understanding of what you should do next.
The Journal.

The Journal.

I think everyone who likes games like these should try them outt .. also, I’m adding all the download & walkthrough links below.

Dream Chronicles 1.

a] Demo: http://www.playfirst.com/game/dreamchronicles

b] Crack/patch: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2630664

c] Walkthrough :    http://www.casualgameguides.com/games/guide/game_guide.cfm/game_id&2531/forum_display&block/

Dream Chronicles 2.

a] Demo: http://www.playfirst.com/game/dreamchronicles2

b] Crack/patch: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2630664

c] Walkthrough: http://www.casualgameguides.com/games/guide/game_guide.cfm/Dream_Chronicles__2_The_Eternal_Maze_cheats&1/walkthrough&1/game_id&3300/?CFID=44736319&CFTOKEN=44671014

Dream Chronicles 3.

a] Demo: http://www.playfirst.com/game/dream-chronicles-chosen-child

b] Crack/patch: http://www.onlytorrents.com/torrent/dream-chronicles-the-chosen-child-deluxe-v1-0-0-104-te:0b0af45867fef5b8334bb6fc623b69755d217eb7

c] Walkthrough: http://www.casualgameguides.com/games/guide/game_guide.cfm/Dream_Chronicles_The_Chosen_Child_cheats&1/walkthrough&1/game_id&4125/?CFID=44736938&CFTOKEN=98874857

If yuu need any help just IM me. =]

Enjoyy!  xx

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